Meet Jim
Get to know Jim, his job and background. If you wish to get in touch, see the details below.
About Jim
He has a BA (hons) in Communications and Decision Making, and Post Graduate Certificate of Business Excellence. He previously worked for 30 years in Essex Police and finished his career as a Detective Chief Inspector in the Serious Violence Unit with a background of serious crime investigation, gangs and County Lines, knife crime and serious violence. He was always of the view that enforcement was only one element in the fight to reduce serious youth violence, and that prevention and safeguarding, working together with other agencies and community-based organisations and groups was key.
Jim was a member of the Essex Violence and Vulnerability Unit. He was one of the first members of the Essex VVU when it was formed in 2019, and fundamentally believes in what it is trying to achieve. Jim still works closely with the VVU as a partner colleague and leads on the Secondary Workstream
In his role at Active Essex Foundation he has found a way to combine his passions, and is totally convinced that the use of sport and activity in projects and interventions provides opportunities for positive engagement and interactions with children and young people.
Outside of work he is ‘Daddy’ to a large brood of children, which certainly keeps him occupied, and looks forward to opportunities to get away to the mountains and snowboard; roll on the winter!
Email address: [email protected]